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    balance of power 結果共7筆

  • Taiwan’s premier seeks legislative review over concerns

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is taking steps to protect the constitution by challenging recent legislative amendments. Read about the government’s efforts to maintain democratic integrity.
    2024/05/29 10:53
  • Taiwanese association condemns KMT, TPP

    Discover the Taiwanese Association of America’s condemnation of the KMT and TPP for pushing controversial bills, risking Taiwan’s democracy and misusing U.S. support. Read their call for integrity and public response.
    2024/05/22 14:06
  • Taiwan mulls subsidies to offset electricity price hike

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua discusses ongoing discussions of the Electricity Pricing Working Group and potential budgetary subsidies amid pressure for an electricity price increase in April. The government seeks to balance the needs of citizens and enterprises as it navigates potential adjustments to electricity prices. Stay tuned for further updates on the final subsidy and price adjustment plan.
    2024/03/13 16:03
  • Han Kuo-yu joins forces with Johnny Chiang in legislature

    Former Kaohsiung mayor Han Kuo-yu and Kuomintang legislator Johnny Chiang have announced their joint bid for the positions of President and Vice President of the Legislative Yuan. The Kuomintang made a triumphant return to the legislature in the 2024 election, becoming the largest party after eight years. Han, who received considerable attention as a potential presidential nominee within the legislature, aims to revitalize the Legislative body’s supervisory and balancing responsibilities. Han and Chiang, in their partnership called "Han-Chiang," seek to restore oversight and balance of power roles in the legislature. Chiang has agreed to collaborate in order to fulfill promises made to over 8 million voters and achieve unity within the opposition. However, Chiang hopes to prioritize the vice-president candidacy for a nominee put forth by the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). Han remains committed to tirelessly working for the welfare and benefits of the Taiwanese people, regardless of the outcome.
    2024/01/18 15:58
  • TPP emerges as new force in Taiwan’s political landscape

    Explore the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape following the recent legislative election. Learn about the new balance of power in the Legislative Yuan, the rise of the TPP, and the focus on domestic issues over cross-strait relations. Understand how these election results reflect changing voter sentiments in Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.
    2024/01/15 17:07
  • 賴蕭配有譜?蕭美琴「無懼北京介入選舉」 曝台最終目標

    隨著我國將於明年初舉行總統大選,台海議題再度成為國際關注話題;我國駐美代表蕭美琴今(9)日接受《彭博》(Bloomberg)電視節目「權力平衡」(Balance of Power)專訪,強調台灣的最終目標仍是維持台海現狀,表示民主選舉不會受到中國干擾脅迫,而台灣的半導體供應鏈體系在全球仍不可或缺、無法替代,對於外界盛傳她可能擔任賴清德副手競選,她則表示現階段僅專心處理美台關係。
    2023/09/09 15:25
  • 日議員團將晉見總統 石破茂:實地訪台才能思考安保政策

    日本前防衛大臣石破茂昨天在部落格寫道,此行(訪台)將與台灣政要舉行會談並與國會、軍方相關人員交換意見。他認為,要實現東北亞地區的和平穩定,必須營造此地區可相互對話的環境及實現軍事勢力均衡(Balance of Power)才行。
    2022/07/27 13:23
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